Snitches Get Stitches

Hello ladies and possible gentlemen,

Sorry, I’ve been missing in action on the blog post. School has been consuming my life and I haven’t had any time to write a post. BUT, I have found some time to write a little blog post for you. Things have been quite interesting these past few weeks and all I can say is OH MY GOD! Further details……………………… the next post. So this post is actually a different one and as you can see from the title you can see where I’m going with it.

Snitches get stitches” has been the term that the hood has used since the beginning of time. (Morgan Freeman voice). Since I was little I have always known that term and have always stuck by it. Recently, the issue has been brought back up into light about snitching. During class I had said that term and my teacher said that she didn’t like that term because sometimes snitching is okay. Now, as much as I disagreed with her I wasn’t going to debate that topic due to the respect that I have for her and her opinion. BUT……………………I DISAGREE. Here is why.

In order for someone to be considered a snitch they would of had some type of connection to the situation. Nobody who is innocent is snitching on anyone because they would have no reason to. The people who snitch are the ones who are affiliated and have some part in whatever was going on. Now, here is the debate that I have been hearing.

“What if it was your family member?”

I definitely can understand what they are trying to point out. What if it was my family member that needed their life saved or something terrible happened to them, I completely understand their standpoint BUT here is why snitching is considered wrong. When something happens to someone in the family, the entire block will know and they will know who did it and how to handle the situation. Things are handled within. You might ask why? Well, let’s be honest, how many police officers and government officials really care about minorities and what happens to them. It will take them years to finally solve the case because they wouldn’t consider it an important issue even though it is.

The main reason why people say stop snitching is when it comes to someone who is involved with the crime, so please people when someone says “snitches get stitches” don’t get upset.

Anywho, that is all for this post! I will be updating you very soon with a juicy tea spilling blog.

Bye Darlings


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