Over It

Being in love with an ex is by the worst thing anyone can do. Especially, when the ex has made it clear with their actions that they could care-less. So I’m here to tell you ladies M O V E O N. If he’s acting like he doesn’t care, majority of the time he doesn’t. I learned that the hard way.  So my previous blog that is now deleted. I talked about how I had hope that me and my ex would get back together.

Everything seemed like it was going in a positive direction and things were looking good, U N T I L I found something out that shattered everything. I will never understand how a person can continuously hurt someone who’s done nothing but love them and do everything that they could for them. Frankly, a situation like that isn’t meant to be understood, it is something you need to walk away from. You have to walk away from the pain, the hurt, and just everything and move on and focus on the positive things that are happening in life. Stop focusing on a person who doesn’t give a fuck about you. Focus on the new positive moves and changes. Don’t get me wrong. The pain still hurts and I’m still heartbroken but I can’t continue to put myself through this. It’s been six years of the same pattern and I’m done with the pattern and ready to just move on. I’m not letting him destroy the whole year I did of self-reflecting and learning to be okay with my mental illness. I R E F U S E to go back to where I was a year ago.  I admit I cried and I’m still heartbroken, but I’m not putting myself in that place anymore. I have to be strong and remember that it’s his loss and he is going to continue to try and find me in every girl he dates and I know it for a fact.


This post is for all my lovelies who are dealing with letting go because you still feel like there’s hope. Well from personal experience LET GO! If it was meant to be, it’ll happen! Never let a guy break you, be strong and focus on the positive things that are happening in your life. Me moving to Arizona and starting my new life was the best decision I have ever made. Although the drivers suck out here and there’s no beaches. The energy and vibe of the people here are completely different and having my heartbroken is a set back but I promise you the comeback will be even more amazing.

Until next time darlings ❤

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